Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day 7

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My first lie-in all holiday!We left Darwin for Alice Springs today, but before we did, we visited Crocosaurus Cove.

Although we've had quite enough of crocodiles this trip, what was interesting about this place is that it is a crocodile park right in the middle of the city.
How did I get that close to the crocs?

Through these glass bubbles!
They also had a reptile display.
Being Sunday evening, everything was closed at the Alice Springs pedestrian mall.Some of you may know that every year, on the anniversary of our move to Perth, we celebrate by dining at a different ethnic restaurant.

This year, the 27th, the restaurant, appropriately enough, was: - outback Australian!
I had the outback platter above: clockwise from top left, barramundi, kangaroo, emu and camel pie.

Cheryl had barramundi.

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